Saturday 8 April 2017

Facial Practice - Guess Who?

I had seen an artist on YouTube drawing faces and exaggerating them to give them a more cartoon vibe, now of course being a cartoonist, this is something I should've have done countless times before... I guess it's time to get started!

This was just a sketchy exercise and I had recently seen some artwork regarding the new take on Beauty and the Beast, and with a collection of pictures presenting her many faces at my disposal, I chose to draw the facial expressions of Emma Watson!

I absoloutley loved how the realistic expressions (far right) came out, I feel they matched her to perfection. But when I started to elaborate on certain features, I feel that something didn't go quite right (at least with her shocked expression). When I tried with my second expression, while it began to loose it's Emma Watson-yness, it was a better result.

This is something I ought to attempt again in future and with a wider variety of expressions, I recommend giving this a try if you have problems with drawing diverse faces or just like to draw people.

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