Saturday 22 April 2017

Droey's Draws | The Webcomic - Coming soon?

You read it right everyone, I intend to create a web-comic for Droey's Draws!

Starring the familiar faces of Droey Drawson, Tenvad and Anne-Natalie as well as two new ones; the comic will tell tale as they discover a very creative artifact.

At this point in time, it's not ready for production, let alone release. The story is currently being written and then when I work out how I am going to go about creating this comic (as well as when), production will begin. Be sure to know that if there is ever any news regarding this project, you'll hear it here first on the blog.

I will probably continue to post concept art, work in progress pieces and such on the blog but that is not a guarantee. My priority is bringing routine artwork to the blog for you people while this comic is only a project on the side for now. I'd like to think it will become a series but only time will tell.

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