Friday 7 April 2017

Concept Art - Cavern Exterior

I don't often draw environments but here is one I am particularly proud of, the entrance to a cavern which is open for tourism.

The reason I created this is as concept art. Why specifically this location I shan't reveal just yet, and I also won't be saying what this is concept art for, but you will find out very soon.

I didn't colour this piece because I didn't want to chance spoiling it, but maybe some day I will come back to this to give it a more finished look than just the pencil sketch you see. And hopefully this is not the only location you'll be seeing me draw, I should draw some more environments to broaden my horizons.

Sorry this is such a brief post but lately I have been quite busy and as a result have not had much time to decide on what I put to paper, making it difficult to create. But I will do my best to maintain routine posts to this blog.

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