Saturday 29 April 2017

Human Sunflower

When spring started, I drew up a rather flower like human. Around the start of April, I finished him.

This man's design is based on the sunflower and is made to be thin like the stem of a flower. As is the case with most extremely thin characters, I like the Tim Burton vibe, only this character looks too friendly over creepy. I made use of some old watercolour pencils just to see how thin an area my brush could fill, at which I was not disappointed.

Friday 28 April 2017

I've Got Microns!

After months of patience I finally own a set of Micron fineliners!

After the recent celebration of my birthday I was able to add the Pigma Micron pens to my collection, a set of fineliners I have needed for a very long time and been seeking for some months now. The wait has been worth it, in the image above you can see I tried out each and every one of the eight to see how it came out and how well I could handle them.

They are the smoothest fineliners I have yet held and their results are beautiful. I have noticed the Graphic Pen takes longer to try than the rest but that's not a problem with me, it just means taking care not to put any hands on the line art while inking. The brush pen was something I've only experienced with pens for colouring in the past, using a fineliner brush felt very strange but the varying thicknesses will be useful.

As for the 0.05 to 0.8, I've used pens like these before but the Pigma Micron pens worked really well. The lines came so easy, fineliners I've used in the past don't cooperate so well with my hands, which tend to wobble easily when I'm inking.

Because I was only experimenting, I didn't use these to create a piece but instead ink a page full of small sketches that I had recently done. This is just me drawing some Ninja Turtles for improvement. Looking for the style to draw them in (excluding the Drawson style) that I feel portrays them and my artistic abilities best.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Droey's Draws | The Webcomic - Coming soon?

You read it right everyone, I intend to create a web-comic for Droey's Draws!

Starring the familiar faces of Droey Drawson, Tenvad and Anne-Natalie as well as two new ones; the comic will tell tale as they discover a very creative artifact.

At this point in time, it's not ready for production, let alone release. The story is currently being written and then when I work out how I am going to go about creating this comic (as well as when), production will begin. Be sure to know that if there is ever any news regarding this project, you'll hear it here first on the blog.

I will probably continue to post concept art, work in progress pieces and such on the blog but that is not a guarantee. My priority is bringing routine artwork to the blog for you people while this comic is only a project on the side for now. I'd like to think it will become a series but only time will tell.

Friday 21 April 2017

Kuki Sanban [Numbuh 3] - Fan Art

After seeking some nostalgia, I have been making myself familiar with a cartoon I only wish I could have embraced back in it's day. I'm talking about the Codename : Kids Next Door, KND in short. I only had seen Operation : Minigolf until recently and can see why this show was so credible. One particular element I enjoy is the art style which feels like a mixture of the 1930's Disney style and Roger Hargreave's Mr. Men. I liked the style so much that I just had to draw one of the characters, and so I chose Kuki.

If not for my first (and for many years only) episode being about Hoagie (2), the design I would remember best is Kuki's. Part of it might be the colour scheme, which apart from her skin and green elements consists of grey scale colours, allowing her colour to stand out. Or is it the fact you don't really get to see her hands from under the sweater which also allows for an interesting silhouette?

For whatever reason Kuki's design was great, it made me chose to draw her as a test to replicate the style. I also returned to the varying widths in my outlines and the watercolour pencils (becoming a quick favourite of mine). I decided to use only greyscale colours and Kuki's green, for reasons of which contributed to my appeal towards her design.

There's not really much else I can say other than I really enjoyed working on this and that I loved drawing in the KND art style, I will most probably return to these characters again in the future.

Monday 17 April 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | H

H is for Henry the Green Engine

It was inevitable that the characters of Thomas the Tank Engine were going to steam their way into my Alphabet Challenge. Out of all of them, I felt like taking the challenge of Henry most. He's a rather complex character, both in terms of personality and physical appearance, it's almost like nothing can be definite about him. Fans of the show may have noticed I have based him primarily on his Season 1 model, post Crewe rebuild.

I haven't used pen ink for some time in this challenge so I returned to the bold colours of my pens for this particular entry. In fact, this piece is a first in my challenge for being a multimedia peice, there is an element of sketch pencil used for Henry's face. The art style is my own take of the art style linked below.

What may come to you as a surprise is that despite my passion for the franchise, I actually draw content of it very rarely! I certainly used to draw the engines of Sodor more frequently than this, but gradually moved away from drawing trains or any transportation for that matter. Considering this absence, the resulting illustration impressed me. Perhaps this is a step to a new area of art, allowing me to broaden my horizons.

Have you seen the letter G? If not you can check it out via my page for the 'Alphabet Challenge' as well as all previous entries. Look out for I coming soon!

Saturday 15 April 2017

OC : Ida Noe

If you saw yesterday's post, you may recognize this original character. I have christened her Ida Noe, after the phrase 'I don't know'.

Not to say that this OC has no intellect, but she isn't the brightest bulb. Ida's biggest problem is that she is indecisive, incapable of making even simple decisions. Most of her decisions require prompting and her indecisiveness leaves Ida rather shy.

You'll see that unlike in her original drawing, I have added a bow to Ida and we can now see her full body. I hope people like her dress design, this was genuinely experimental, no reference or anything (naughty me) but there was a certain shape I wanted to create with the dress, which in my opinion may need to be improved but for now is tolerable.

Friday 14 April 2017

Which one do I shoot?

We've all seen that one before. The two identical characters whose fate will be decided by their third wheel holding the lethal weapon. I was given a prompt to draw two characters, one human and one android who were indifferent from each other so the first thing that came to mind was one of these scenarios.

Introducing Ida Noe and the twins, Andy and Roy. But which one is the human and which one is the droid? Perhaps one day all shall be revealed.

Whilst typing this I have noticed a design error, as Ida's dress has been drawn incorrectly from the back, the dress should be going around her arm not over the shoulder. Hopefully I'll keep that in mind next time!

Saturday 8 April 2017

Facial Practice - Guess Who?

I had seen an artist on YouTube drawing faces and exaggerating them to give them a more cartoon vibe, now of course being a cartoonist, this is something I should've have done countless times before... I guess it's time to get started!

This was just a sketchy exercise and I had recently seen some artwork regarding the new take on Beauty and the Beast, and with a collection of pictures presenting her many faces at my disposal, I chose to draw the facial expressions of Emma Watson!

I absoloutley loved how the realistic expressions (far right) came out, I feel they matched her to perfection. But when I started to elaborate on certain features, I feel that something didn't go quite right (at least with her shocked expression). When I tried with my second expression, while it began to loose it's Emma Watson-yness, it was a better result.

This is something I ought to attempt again in future and with a wider variety of expressions, I recommend giving this a try if you have problems with drawing diverse faces or just like to draw people.

Friday 7 April 2017

Concept Art - Cavern Exterior

I don't often draw environments but here is one I am particularly proud of, the entrance to a cavern which is open for tourism.

The reason I created this is as concept art. Why specifically this location I shan't reveal just yet, and I also won't be saying what this is concept art for, but you will find out very soon.

I didn't colour this piece because I didn't want to chance spoiling it, but maybe some day I will come back to this to give it a more finished look than just the pencil sketch you see. And hopefully this is not the only location you'll be seeing me draw, I should draw some more environments to broaden my horizons.

Sorry this is such a brief post but lately I have been quite busy and as a result have not had much time to decide on what I put to paper, making it difficult to create. But I will do my best to maintain routine posts to this blog.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | G

G is for Gargamel

For this entry in the alphabet challenge, I plunge into newer depths by using watercolour pencils. I also combined my pencil colour with a watercolour palette which on it's own was too desaturated to make anything look decent. I only had the following colours in pencil format:

Black, Blue, Brown, Orange, Pink, Purple, Yellow, White

With these I had to create the colour scheme for Gargamel, which was easier than I believed. For the skin, it was the obvious choice of placing the orange pencil lightly on the paper but for the legs, shoes, eyes and the patchwork part of Gargamel's gown, I had to mix my pencils. 

For the lower body section, pink and orange were crosshatched over each other and then having applied some red from my palette, painting over the pencil created a red that was ten times more solid. The green was more challenging, because although I had Blue and Yellow, just mixing them together to make a green doesn't always look as appealing. But with the aid of some green from the palette, the green that came out on the paper was most satisfying, exactly the shade I was going for.

As you can see my choice for G is the arch enemy from The Smurfs, who I hope is being done justice in the recently released film, The Lost Village. I can remember watching the live action movies and being disappointed, but that's all in the past now. I was going to draw Azrael alongside him but I was pressed for time and so the cat did not feature.

Have you seen the letter F? If not you can check it out via my page for the 'Alphabet Challenge' as well as all previous entries. Look out for H coming soon!

Sunday 2 April 2017

The Alphabet Challenge Delayed

Hello all, Droey here!

You may notice that this post is layer out differently from the rest, this is because I am sending this from a different device.

The main point is that due to technical difficulties, I won't be able to upload the next part of my alphabet challenge at the scheduled time. As soon as I am able to work on the blog, I shall post the entry.

Thank you for your patience.

Saturday 1 April 2017

I used Photoshop!

This is not an April fool's, see for yourself!

This is my first piece of artwork done on Photoshop, it was finished a few days before I made Alphabet Challenge's E. This piece was scratch built on top of a prototypical sketch using a wacom tablet and took me three days to create. Just a simple picture of Droey holding his giant pencil/sword, which has had an upgrade as you can see! This is not the last you will see of it.

This will not be my last piece of Photoshop art either, I have another piece soon to be revealed and although I can't be making art with Photoshop so often, there will be more to come so keep an eye out for them!

To all of you Photoshop artists, what do you think of this for a first attempt? Let me know in the comments, or if there is anyone else from the blog you'd like to see get this treatment?