Saturday 25 February 2017

Three Colour Challenge | Willow Tree

I'm no alien to the three colour challenge, and I enjoy doing this. In all honesty I don't think I should consider it a challenge anymore but that's the official name for it so I'll stick by it.

I was given the colours Salmon, Light Green and Sandstorm by chance, but was not quite sure what to create with them so I went through my collection of motivational images and came across a willow tree. Why not?

I don't often draw anything plant like or even environmental, I'm quite obsessed with character designs and drawings so this is the first time I've drawn any kind of tree in quite a while. I chose the willow tree because they give me a rather nostalgic feeling. I can remember seeing them as a child going to and from places and being so intrigued by these trees in particular, they were different from the other trees. I don't doubt that trees have a concept of diversity but this was how I saw them in my younger years.

As an art piece itself, it's probably not my best but it served it's purpose. It made me go out of my comfort zone to draw something I don't usually draw which is partly what challenges like these are all about. Maybe I'll do something like this for one of my challenges in the future, but only time will tell.

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