Tuesday 14 February 2017

Mix'n'Match Shipping Results

Prior to the presentation of your requested mashup, I would like to thank everyone who voted on the poll and made this possible.

Recently you were given the chance to decide who would be shipped together in this piece I create for Valentines day. Twenty available options were provided and here are the results.

A quarter of the characters gained a total of 8% of your votes, these characters being Mickey Mouse, Batman, Flynn Rider, Simon The Digger and Baymax. Imagine if all of these had tied for first place, what a picture that would be!

Third place goes to a famous Disney queen and the most iconic comic book villain of all time, Elsa of Arendelle and The Joker were given 16% each.

Speaking of DC characters, another one reaches second place and with such being the case a lot of you wanted a lesbian encounter with Harley Quinn and Minnie Mouse with a quarter of the total votes each!

And now for the winners. I really enjoyed putting these two together and had so many ideas that I may even make a continuation of this shipping that you might find some time! Both of them are from movies which have been deemed as iconic and yet I have drawn neither of them before up until this point, that said I reckon I did alright.

Okay time to stop stalling, if you have read this far without skipping then I thank you very much and your patience will now be rewarded. The winning couple this year is...

Danny Zuko & Princess Leia

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