Friday 24 February 2017

OCs - Anne, Mac and Quaid

You may remember two characters I presented last week that were designed from some character prompts. Well after that first drawing of them, I couldn't just ignore them and temptation told me to draw them again. So here are Mac and Quaid in Drawson style. 

I'll admit that if I have to compare these to the previous, I prefer this version of Mac the Elven Man but prefer the more realistic approach to Quaid. Maybe Quaid just needs a differently shaped head, I'd be open to changing that. His hood is down this time because the design prompt indicates he had his hood up for warmth, which leads me to believe he otherwise would go without the hood up.

As for the girl on the right, I assume you've met her by now but if not, you can find out about her on the 'Droey and Co.' page, this is Anne Natalie, Anne for short. I haven't drawn her much so I felt it necessary to draw her with the two newcomers. But maybe I made her arms too long, oh well.

Do you have a favourite out of the OCs so far? Let me know in the comment and give me your reasons, I'm interested to know.

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