Saturday 18 February 2017

Character Design Prompt | Mac and Quaid

I was doing some more character and situation prompts and I got an elven man with delicate angular features as well as kissing by the fireworks. So I had another character prompt and that's when things changed.

I was then witnessing the birth of two Original Characters I didn't think I'd ever have created. But regardless I definitely want to make more of them. Mac and elf and Quaid the... I'm not really sure yet are the first homosexual couple I can recall creating, and no I haven't not created any out of homophobia. So without further ado, here they are.

You'll see them again, most probably in Drawson style but I don't intend for this to be the only time I draw them like I have done today. I know I haven't drawn them actually kissing like the prompt told me but let's just say they're on their way there. I couldn't resist giving them the same eye colour.

Why do I chose the names Mac and Quaid? Well back in my GCSE years, I was involved in a drama performance centered around a child who had gay parents, it was a comedy. I named these two after those characters. Mac is the feminine one and Quaid is the masculine one. I hope you like them as much as I do.


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