Saturday 11 February 2017

Character and Situations Prompts | 'I never meant this to happen'



As the title says, truer words were never spoken. When one does the 'Character Prompt' challenge, you never know what you're going to come out with. I also decided to add a situation prompt to this piece to give my character something to do rather than just stand there, a habit I need to break out of.

This peice took me at least three days and also experiments my use of ball point pens. The only colour I allowed myself to use in this piece was red, to contrast with the rest of the greyscale in this picture (and because blood is involved). Below I describe the prompts I was given.

Character Prompt

A gargantuan amphibian - humanoid fortune teller who has only one arm and punches first, asks questions later.

Situation Prompt

'I never meant this to happen' he muttered as he stared at himself in the mirror, covered in blood.

These two actually went quite well together and nothing was left out. I don't emphasize the last part of the character description, but I think the situation covers that for me. I considered drawing both sides of the mirror but for a creepier effect I chose just to draw his reflection, framed in the mirror.

Well I think that's just about everything I can say about this piece, other than I absoloutley love how this turned out and it was an experience I'd gladly try again some time soon. Maybe this OC will return one day in better health, or maybe he'll just remain the same.

If you have read this far I thank you very much, and as a reward, you now get to see the official result. Behold the giant amphibian fortune teller!

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