Saturday 1 June 2019

Droey and Gym

It's a comic strip, with more than one panel! Here are Droey, Tenvad and Lottie in 'Droey and Gym'.

This comic strip is the result of my attempt at the Predictive Text challenge. If you'd like to try this challenge out, you just type into predictive text, try starting with 'Draw a' and then keep adding any of the three words available until you've written a sentence. My prompt was written as 'Draw a picture with me to the gym today', not a very well structured sentence but it's something to work with.

So from that I knew I was going to the gym, first time for everything! This was going to be a single panel strip but I couldn't fit all that I wanted to, so I turned it into two panels, but then the panels themselves couldn't fit without being poorly arranged. For the second and final time I upped the panels and so we come to the final result of three panels!

This was perfect because now each character could get a line of dialogue in their own panel. I didn't intend on giving Droey any dialogue, but then I wasn't sure how clear it was that he was going to the gym, so it was up to Droey to confirm it. But there is no way that Droey would sanely go to the gym, so he needed a gym companion to accompany him. I hadn't drawn Lottie in a while so I thought I'd give her a moment to shine and the same went for Tenvad, though she wouldn't actually go into the gym, it was her job to deliver the humour.

Speaking on humour, if you got the TV show reference in this strip before my mentioning it now, well done! If you didn't, I'm not spoiling it, sorry!

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