Saturday 22 June 2019

Smooth Criminal

Michow Mooble has been kidnapped, but who would do such a thing? Wait, that isn't? No, it couldn't be- but it is... Plottie's returned!

Plottie Swine is back after her debut is wasting no time with reintroductions, she's getting straight on with business! This isn't so fortunate for Michow Mooble, who was last seen leaving one of his concerts. It turns out that the limo ride home has been hijacked by Plottie and she escorted him to a secret location where Michow could only assume the worst was to come. But to his slight relief and surprise, Michow wasn't intended as a ransom. Plottie wasn't after his fortune either.

It turns out this elaborately wicked scheme was just a way to get Michow's undivided attention! After making sure there was no way Michow could escape, Plottie's revealed her intentions. Plottie simply had a chat with Michow, it was a casual chat. Kindapping aside it seemed like a perfectly normal social occasion, a blind date perhaps! Michow was nervous to start, naturally but gained enough confidence to work his charm again. Unfortunatley he couldn't convince Plottie to release him, but it was fortunate for him that Lottie never intended on keeping her guest imprisoned.

After their chat, Plottie gave Michow a simple gesture, one that made it clear how interested she was in him. Then Michow was released and escorted to his proper home. On the way Michow was given a warning not to spread the word about their chat so to this day only the two of them actually know what happened!

I think by this appearance alone Plottie might have become the most dangerous character on the blog, Gorf the Frogman aside! How does your OC show their affection for someone; are they creepy like Plottie was or do they behave more appropriately? Try shipping them with a character to see what answer you conclude with!

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