Wednesday 26 June 2019

Quinman's Crush

You may know Quinman for his cosplaying videos on my YouTube channel, but he's often wearing all sorts of disguises of his own design to hide himself from the locals. While in one of these disguises, Quinman takes the chance to bask in the glory of his dream girl.

I think the panel tells it's story pretty well, I doubt you need me to clear anything up. So for today I'll be talking about the process of making this illustration.

I knew I wanted something like one of those sequences in TV shows when you get this sparkly, beauty shot of the love interest and then there's the lover starting helplessly at them. For Quinman's first appearance alongside Droey and Co, I felt it fitting that I did this sort of piece for him. I looked for images that could help inspire me and I found a girl sitting at a table with a book and a drink so I placed Anne in this situation and decided this would take place at a coffee shop where Quinman would be disguised as one of the staff.

For someone who doesn't have a face, it was going to be difficult to make it look like Quinman was helplessly in love. I did everything I could to make sure this was obvious. For one thing, I've made him replicate Anne's pose, partly because he might be able to stand up straight and secondly because replicating movements can be a sign of attraction. But it this wasn't enough, I added the sparkly background from Anne's pannel in the reflection of Quinman's glasses lenses and then added a customer who would be waiting for him to take an order. Recognize this guy? He's from one of Lavendertowne's YouTube videos! I thought of just bringing in a completely random background character to await their order but then decided why not put an easter egg in there?

Something that stands out in this piece, and what I love it for, is it's colour scheme. I used a strict set of colours, throwing accuracy to character colour schemes out the window! There was this image of a beautiful sunset and I took all of the colours from there, including the blues used as line art and background. I refused to use any white amongst these colours, replacing it with a pale pink from the image and would then continue to use colours from this sky to create what is one of the most beautifully coloured pieces to date (in my opinion)!

Now having explained the colour choices, you'll probably realize that Anne is using her official colour scheme instead of blending in like the others. Anne herself is was made exempt from this strict colouring style, to further help her stand out. Her panel is the only one to use the light blue (Quinman's reflection from his glasses excluded) and using a white pen to add sparkles and a little glow. This allows the Anne panel to feel less connected with the reality that Quinman is surrounded by.

While there was some compromise in this illustration, I have never kept myself to such a strict colour palette before! This of course excludes designs with limited colours but refers to illustrations, particularly those of which include already established character designs. I feel quite proud of this accomplishment and encourage you to try creating a piece using only a small set of colours, it might help to pick them from a photograph. Or maybe you have your own art challenge to conquer, if you're up to it then I bid you good luck in achieving your goal!

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