Saturday 29 June 2019

This Is Who I'm Gay For!

As pride month comes to an end, it was only to be expected that I'd do something for Mac and Quaid. And let's introduce you to a member of the family while we're at it, here's Quaid's dad!

Quaid got a message one morning from his dad, saying he wanted to meet. They hadn't spoken in a long time, they never really got on well. Henry Burt did care for his son growing up but disagreed with his ideals such as his taste in women and wanting to become a dancer. Eventually Quaid had walked out to live with some friends and gradually the two lost touch with each other. Quaid mentioned a few times to Mac how he missed his dad but had never felt like he would be accepted for who he was, hence his leaving in the first place.

If not for Mac's encouragement, Quaid would have probably shied away instead of going to meet his dad. He still lived in the same house from just over a decade ago. Henry came to the door and greeted the couple warmly. After entering the lounge, Henry made a mistake.

'I see you packed up that queer malarkey.' and then Henry smiled at Mac who's jaw dropped in shocked. Henry realized he had said the wrong thing. 'Sorry, did she know?' he asked Quaid.

'He does!' Quaid sternly replied as he grabbed Mac by the hand.

'Honestly,' Mac sassed. 'Who the muffin sparkles could mistake me for a girl?'

'Oh, sorry I thought this was who you married!'

'He is!' Quaid replied. Then he grabbed Mac by the arms and held him up in the air, Mac made a show of himself while he was in the air. 'This is who I'm gay for!' Quaid exclaimed. Naturally, Henry was surprised at this. When Mac was put down he approached Henry and shook him by the hand.

'Hello, darling. I'm Mac, by the way.' Henry smiled awkwardly.

It was an awkward time to start with, but gradually Henry warmed up to Mac and realized he was happy for Quaid. By the end of their chat, Henry even offered Mac and Quaid a spare bedroom if they ever wanted to stay! Quaid was happy that at last he felt accepted and Henry was happy that he was in touch with his son again. What about Mac? He was happy for the both of them. Maybe one day we'll get to see more of Mac's family as well!

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