Wednesday 5 June 2019

Smile For The Lexi

Gary went to hang out with Ichirou and Jirou one day, but Lexi insisted on coming along to make sure he behaved! What an awkward day that was...

This was just a fun idea I had one day. I could easily picture Lexi doing this on a few occasions and I can imagine Gary would put up with it. Did you know this is the first time I've illustrated Lexi smiling other than one edited picture of her? If you want to see me draw Gary smiling (besides his website promo), you're going to have to wait a bit longer! Speaking of faces, I love the expressions overall in this picture, especially Jirou's. I've drawn him with this frown before but it's so suiting to him that I'm making it his frown.

Something that has probably caught your attention is Lexi's dress. The truth is I messed up doing the line art, forgetting her dress goes around both arms! Rather than hope for the best I took advantage of the mistake by making it a completely different dress. I'm not sure if this variation of dress design is real but I like the design. It uses the yellow from her normal dress and two shades of green, one of which matches her eyes. You might also notice Lexi is a fan of Adventure Time if you look at her phone case, something for those who are still mourning the end of Adventure Time.

That's it for this illustration, but on a serious note, try not to behave the way Lexi did today. Relationships like Gary and Lexi's don't work out well, but one's like Mac and Quaid seem to be going fine! Come back within a fortnight to see how they're doing!

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