Wednesday 12 June 2019

I Never Liked The Rain Until I Walked Through It With You

The title you read is my prompt, and with that I turn to the two characters who seem to always fit any random prompt. These two characters were created by a prompt challenge, it's Mac and Quaid!

Reading the prompt, it was clear that this prompt was made for Mac and Quaid, a couple who've always made each other's lives better. The last time we saw these two on the blog, Quaid came to make Mac's life better, so this time we're going for vice versa.

Having grown up in a rural area, Mac is used to the rain and while he'd prefer a sunny day, he's perfectly fine with walking through it. Quaid however, didn't like to get wet. He'd wash in warm water of course, but besides that he kept himself dry. Mac and Quaid had only met each other in the past few months and were still getting to know each other. It was on a very rainy day that Mac discovered how Quaid had a problem with the rain. Mac can still remember the story Quaid told him about how this problem seemed to run in the family.

'My old man was a brickie for about a month. Got the sack after his first rainfall; only went and bricked himself a shelter to hide from it! No one in our family's had it as bad as he did; it took them hours after the rain stopped to get him out of there. He was well and truly stuck; he and the bloke what helped him with the cement got sacked the day after.'

A few months later, Mac and Quaid were out in the town and in view of the sea. The clouds were dark enough to unleash a storm and sure enough, heavy rain would fall. Quaid was uncomfortable about this and so hid beneath the shelter of an umbrella. Mac wasn't fed up with Quaid's problem, but urged Quaid to walk through the rain with him. It started as a walk and gradually became singing followed by dancing. The rain continued to pour but Mac and Quaid were singing merrily without the protection of an umbrella!

Looking back on this day, Quaid considers it the day when the spark between him and Mac ignited. It is a story the two love to share with friends and each other, and now it's been shared with you! What do your OCs get up to in the rain, I'd be interested to see!

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