Saturday 5 January 2019

Quinman - The story of the FOURTH character?

It's the blog's second birthday tomorrow! Thank you to those who have followed the blog, even if you're new to my content. So much has happened in this past year alone and there's more content to come, I won't be stopping any time soon!

The original Quinman concept art!

Today, rather than presenting an original artwork, I'm going to be discussing one of my OCs, solo star of the Quinman Cosplays series on YouTube. The series made it's debut in September last year, but Quinman himself has been around a lot longer than you thought! On this special occasion I'm going back in time to the earliest days of Droey's Draws to present the origins and development of Quinman and his series.

Second concept. The style is set, it's just working out his shapes and colours!

Back when I was setting up Droey's Draws, I designed four characters that were intended to be the mascots of the blog. These included Droey Drawson, Tenvad, Anne Natalie and Quinman. Droey would stand for fine art, Tenvad for digital art, Anne Natalie was a play on 'anatomy' and Quinman would have also been anatomy since his design is based on the wooden mannequins that are generally shunned as an art supply. Because Quinman conflicted with Anne I made the choice to drop him and thus he never appeared in any of the blog's art work.

Final concept, for the longest time this was his intended image which would also have varied facial expressions!

A couple of months after the blog was started, it seemed Quinman might actually get to make his debut. In the present day, Anne and Quinman are still incredibly similar in their habits of having costume themed quirks and being created for anatomy based purposes. Anne lives up to this with her career as a live model while Quinman is now a solely costume themed character. It was around the time I intended to start a web comic (something I'd still be interested in doing) and wanted to introduce Quinman in the story with a minor role. Because of this I hatched the running gag that he would always be dressed up, Unknown to be the stranger that was Quinman but adopt several identities founded in the costumes he wore. It's this that started Quinman Cosplays, though not as a video series.

To left to bottom right : Star Butterfly, Rupert Bear, Peter Griffin, Miraculous Ladybug, Doctor Who, Fat Controller

Back in 2017 I didn't have a YouTube channel and wasn't prepared to start one, there were higher priorities at the time. But believing I would be having a web comic coming out, I did some art of Quinman so that there'd be some material of him once he was known to the world. This was in the form of a character profile (still unfinished to this day) and then six models of him dressed as fictional characters. As you can see he cosplayed (from top left to bottom right) as Star Butterly, Rupert Bear, Peter Griffin, Miraculous Ladybug, Tom Baker's Doctor Who and The Fat Controller. I'll be remaking these for the Quinman Cosplays series but not in one go so look out for them!

Quinman's official design, as seen on the website and Quinman Cosplays videos.

I was adamant on keeping Quinman a secret until the comic was released but because the project went nowhere, so did he. Quinman would continue to remain a secret and his Cosplays Unknown to the world. That is until some time after I founded my YouTube channel. I wanted something about my channel that nobody else seemed to be doing; Kasey Golden has her 500 prompts series, DrawWithJazza's current trend is the YouTuber heroes and villains series, LavenderTowne's doing 'By The a Book' and Mark Crilley has lots of topical videos regarding art and creative writing. So what would be my thing? Well if nothing else I've got Quinman Cosplays! I played around with the idea and the result would be a cosplay of Robbie Rotten and Winnie The Pooh which due to their run time would be put together in a single video.

Here's the original episode of Quinman Cosplays if you haven't yet seen it!

I have no intention on making the bulk of my videos into Quinman Cosplays content and thus Droey's Draws will remain the dominant series on my channel, but it's nice for Quinman to finally have his own place in the world of Droey's Draws. He was destined to be one of the main mascots, and though not in the way it was expected, he has achieved that goal. Quinman is now welcome to mingle among my other characters and his videos will hopefully be coming for a long time.

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