Wednesday 2 January 2019

Michow Mooble Live

Officially it's my 300th post! Wow! But the blog's anniversary is just next week so we'll celebrate this on that post as well. For today though, you can for the first time read my views on the first illustration I did for YouTube!

Hello again everyone, hope you had a great December! Welcome to 2019, let's celebrate the new year with a musical performance from Michow Mooble.

Not really sure how it came about that I would do this but I did it and I like it. It was quite simple to put together, though it was interesting to draw the back of numerous heads for a change! You may recognise most of the faces, in fact only one is a new face that you will get to meet again very soon. The remaining people, if you didn't recognise them, are Anne Natalie, Ida, Sloth, Lottie and the Stripper Gardener!

After the pencil sketches, I actually inked and coloured the illustration within two hours, I'm thinking that judging the line art it at show, oh dear. The colours however I think are quite appealing, there's no shading but I was pressing myself for time on this occasion and settled on not adding any shading for this piece. There is a bit of colour blending for the backdrop on Michow's stage though, that turned out better than I expected!

Now some of you may remember seeing this illustration, that's because this one was recorded for YouTube! You can find it with the name 'I just haven't met moo yet!' Be sure to check out the video to watch the process from inking to colouring, hope you enjoy it!

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