Saturday 26 January 2019

Mona Mokauke and Paddy

It's about time Mona Mohauke got a full design, and here's her Technobian, Paddy! That's right, Tenvad's not the only Technobian besides Jirou!

Mona's made a couple of appearances before, debuting at Michow Mooble's concert. However on both occasions she was a bit of a struggle regarding proportions. I set out to fix these problems this time around and I think I may have done. The only major change is that her jacket is now shorter, with only two buttons and the pocket has been moved over to her right. For the sake of having a quirkier design I have resorted to giving Mona Wellington boots, not something I have often drawn. Wether or not this associates her with farmyard life remains to be seen.

The big news in this piece comes in the form of Paddy, the third Technobian character! Paddy is based on an IPad, with earphone inspired shoes and charger inspired hands. Paddy's design was a simple task and the only parts I experimented a bit with were the hands and the face. The Technobians aren't that much of a challenge to design but are a bit of a challenge when it comes to involving them in situations to draw, but I'm working on that problem. You'll be seeing Paddy and Tenvad again very soon.

So that's these two characters properly introduced. Not sure if they're good friends, roommates or an intimate item with each other. Perhaps their dynamic will develop into something as they make more appearances, only time will tell.

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