Saturday 29 September 2018

Lay Of The Lads + Inktober Talk

Before we get on to the art, I thought it necessary to announce that I will be posting daily throughout October as I participate in this year's Inktober! Prepare for the return of Madge and Silverside as they introduce you to all of their spooky friends!

I was listening to a song that I hadn't heard in a long time, it's called 'Begging' by Midnight Beast, wouldn't recommend the younger audience members listening to it. Anyway, this song sparked a funny idea that I wanted to try. All this time I haven't done much at all where the male characters are banded together. At last I thought to myself, it's time to do just that.

And so here are five of the boys, Droey, John, Ichirou, Jirou and Gary. You may notice their designs have been simplified, no I am not changing my style, this is a possibility for a third style. I think my art has a Panty and Stocking vibe in which there are three animated styles, the realistic style, the normal style and the cute style. Given that I wanted to fit several people on this piece and make easy work of it, this cute style would work well but another reason that came into play later was my experimental method of colouring the illustration.

I experimented with this piece. I was never really good at watercolours so I regularly use watercolour pencils instead, but sometimes and more recently the results have come across looking rather streaky. I wanted to aim for a smoother result and so what I did was apply pencil to the wet brush and then to paper, like the watercolours we used to get in school. For the most part this worked beautifully though there were some points where I didn't wet the brush enough. But most of the colours are much smoother than before, though I was worried that it wouldn't do the pencils any good. They appear to be alright though and I've used them since. The background was an attempt at blending colours and it worked better on the right side of the illustration though I don't mind it being desaturated in this piece. I shall have to either practice this method more or get myself some actual water colours. Maybe I'm finally ready to return to water colours!

Are you developing skills with a particular medium or going to learn a new one? Share your stories and we'll travel this journey together, fellow artists!

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