Saturday 15 September 2018

Costume Design For Doctor Who

I like to design characters, and with that there is an amount of costume designing that needs to be done. Though I don't have a habit of designing costumes outside of a cartoony fashion. Today you will see my first serious attempt to design a costume. Today I have a design for Doctor Who, if only it were official!

Two thoughts were in my mind when designing this costume, two elements I wanted to make this costume stand out. The first was a tie which would have a timeline pattern printed along it, this I have titled the timeline tie. The other was to bring back the question marks; throughout the 80's the costumes made use of question marks, more so during the days of Sylvester McCoy. While I did not intend to bring back the question marks in the same style, I loved how question marks were made a part of The Doctor in their quirky costumes.

The Doctor now has his own hat again, this one is inspired by one of the Nelvana costume designs, though alternatively I would give this Doctor a flat cap much like what was worn in the Victorian days, thoug I'm not sure if this cap is another variant of flat cap or not.

Sketches towards the final design seen above

The blazer is an Italian cut suit with galaxy lining on the inside and a giant question mark on the back, I think this makes the rear view of the costume more interesting, I think only Collin Baker's costume has looked interesting at all angles. As for the galaxy lining, I've incorporated elements of time into this costume so why not space? The Galaxy pattern is also used for the high waisted trousers which are supported by braces and worn over the shirt and jumper. I didn't want this Doctor wearing laced shoes, but I know of and have worn a nice type of shoes without laces that I have given to The Doctor.

This costume doesn't really need adding to, though certain accessories like glasses would be compatible so long as painted in black.

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