Wednesday 12 September 2018

Brace For A Race

Jirou's got a really fast car and John likes to go quick on his rollerblades when he's delivering his pizza. Jirou and John also like to outdo each other, so unfortunately for Ichirou, it's time for a race!

This idea came about after I was given a lift back home recently, in a particularly fast car. It was fast enough for me to know that wearing a hat would not be advised for the journey, as a result I was originally going to illustrate myself in a speedy car but I decided it was necesary to give Ichirou and Jirou some attention.

I don't often draw cars, but when I do, it's a fairly adequate job I think. While slightly bulkier looking than the prototype I chose (I couldn't for the life of me tell you what this car is) it suited to the proportions of the characters. I never added any lettering to the lisence plate I realise now, I guess I couldn't come up with anything.

John's inclusion would be because it was the first oppurtunity to express his speedy use of rollerblades, which he uses when he goes about delivering pizza. I've always said how he likes to hurry about when delivering so getting him to try and race Jirou sounded like a fun idea, even if at Ichirou's expense! While it's highly unlikely that John will win the race, I'm sure he's having fun trying to outdo Jirou and his bright pink car.

You'll notice that this piece has pink line art, I have been encouraging myself to be a little more diverse with my outline colours. While I will always primarily use black, it's nice to see how my art looks lined by every other colour of the spectrum! What experiments have you been getting up to with your art lately? Be sure to show what new tricks you've been learning!

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