Saturday 8 September 2018

Return Of The Mermay Group

Back when I was doing my best to keep up with Mermay, I illustrated five mermaids following a prompt I found on Pinterest. It was a fun prompt but there was barely any sign of mermaid features, given that anything below the hips was exempt from the sketch.  So now I have gone back to give them all their tales and redesign the group of five to suit for the Droeyverse! From left to right, it's a welcome back to Flo, Kyle, Sandy, Star and Julia.

This piece again was inspired by a prompt found on Pinterest and I made sure it was a full body piece. Granted the one character to remain without a full body design is Sandy but I'll be sure to make up for that by giving her a full body if I haven't already by this point. This is also the first time any of them have had colour schemes and I intend for Sandy to have a pink tail to match her eyes.

I did a search for and was delighted to find such a thing as twin tailed mermaid and so our merman of the group, Kyle was able to stay true to the prompt and sticks his tails out like the legs in the picture. Sandy will also be a twin tailed mermaid, though as already explained you couldn't have known.

Which mermaid design do you like best, and how did they manage to get a perfectly good sofa? Be sure to let me know, and we might even solve the sofa mystery!

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