Wednesday 19 September 2018

Creations From The Clouds

Some people make a hobby of cloud watching, the fun part being what the clouds can resemble. I'm not the first person to do this excersise but today you will see what happened when I got a few pictures of some clouds and decided I would create the images the clouds drew.

What you see here is my collection of clouds and the shapes they have created. I actually only used one of the pictures I had taken in the end, since the clouds in the picture went together so well! I was looking at one of them and thinking it looked like a dinosaur creature but after turning it to a different angle, I saw something else. The other cloud looked like a person, one of which shape I had never really thought to work with and it looked like it would be capable of holding the other cloud. So behold the art piece that the clouds gave us!

A woman eating a chicken drumstick! Never would have thought to do this but I'm glad that I did and was certainly amused as I went about this. I didn't really depart from the outline provided by the clouds which is good of course, the only changes being made as what I suppose you'd call the clean up. The colour scheme was taken from a picture of a chicken drumstick, again resulting in a decent colour scheme; though I think the gem is a bit bright compared to the rest of the piece, becoming an attention seeker. I made use of the gradient tool to shade this illustration, something I hadn't done in a while.

Have you tried this art challenge yet? I suppose now the summer's over there'll be plenty of clouds to work with if you want to give it a shot! You don't need Photoshop to do this, it would just be easier that way. There's still those cloud outline I haven't used or perhaps you'd refer to take other natural sources for shapes to illustrate, it's time to get out and get creative!

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