Saturday 30 June 2018

How does his hand fit in there?

When you were introduced to Raven Hole, Agrius was drinking a smoothie. Now you get to meet the spokes-model for the smoothies; also a singer it's Michow Mooble!

I honestly don't know how this happened but it did and asides from Story Makers' 'Blue Cow', this is now my favourite cow in the world. The smoothie bottle now has it's logo and decoration labelled on it, since their mascot is now fully designed.

Michow's colour scheme is made up of earthly colours from a landscape pack of Tombow pens, with the exception of a pinky colour used around the nose and mouth. It wasn't intentional but the result turned out to be this way and it was really nice. The dark blues worked well for his clothing and is a nice homage to Blue Cow, as mentioned earlier. I was considering giving him more colourful hair but I decided to stay realistic and use a brown and white pattern.

I was originally going to use a Michael Buble pose as reference when drawing this cow but I found this pose of a guy sitting on a stool with a tilted head and knew it was perfect, so log as I got him to promote his product.

Now lastly you're probably all wondering, how can a cow be male; isn't that technically a bull? Well yes he would technically be a bull but if cow and man can merge then I guess he would officially be transgender? We'll leave that for Michow to decide!

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