Saturday 23 June 2018

Colour Exchange - Droey meets Echo

Last week Tenvad met Phoenix, and so this week Droey's going to meet Echo Gillette!

I struggled to think about how I was going to get Echo and Droey to interact, since I haven't had the honour of meeting her in person. So in the same way that Tenvad and Phoenix had common ground as technobians, I looked to see what myself and Echo shared as common ground. It came to my attention that we both shared almost monochromatic colour schemes, using grayscale tones with a signature colour. So what if we swapped colours for a day?

Now you see Echo trying on blue stripes which do look lovely but don't compare to her standard red. The only red part that I didn't change was her hair, simply because I wasn't going to make her go the lengths of dying her hair blue for a simple colour swap!

I however, don't have any blue enhancements in my hair or anywhere on my body and so went the full length with the colour swap, including a new red cap (to be temporary of course). The emblem on my shirt is meant to resemble an Echo symbol that Echo used on a Teen a Titans OC in one of her sketchbooks, I didn't have acces to the video at the time so I can't garuntee the emblem being fully accurate. The red seemed to suit me fairly well but I certainly won't be changing over to red, nothing beats the brilliant blue!

Do you have a signature colour or have any OCs with a signature colour? Why not try swapping them with other characters to see what crazy result comes out?

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