Saturday 16 June 2018

Tenvad meets Phoenix!

Tenvad is the Technobian mascot on this blog, a talking laptop with her own life to live. I might as well let you all know that the inspiration for Tenvad comes from a character called Phoenix, a sentient laptop and companion to the YouTuber artist, Echo Gillette. I think it's time to acknowledge that in art form.

Tenvad is naturally star struck when she meets Phoenix in person and is delighted when he lets her take a picture with him! It's quite interesting to see these two together, especially since they're different types of laptops. Tenvad is based on a Windows model while Phoenix is based on an Apple laptop, you can see him in the background of Echo's recent videos.

Echo depicts a sentient laptop with a humanoid figure made of technical matter and his slim laptop screen replacing the head. Tenvad on the other hand is just a screen, with her computer mouse arms and legs plugged in. Needless to say if Phoenix was canonical to Tenvad's universe he would be a more advanced Technobian than herself while Tenvad is more of a hybrid between man and machine.

I designed a webcam like a selfie stick for Tenvad to use since she wouldn't have a phone for herself, would that really be necesary? As for Phoenix, he translated into my style quite easily, the only difficulty being in his hands which I was able to sort out. Rather than giving him the traditional rounded hands most characters in my style have, he kept the hands as Echo would've drawn them, which I think is four fingers (three and a thumb).

To finish off the piece, I wanted to add some dialogue and 'Say Cheese' didn't feel right. So instead I got them to say Control, Alt. Delete, the three button trigger for logging on to a laptop. This was a fun little illustration and was nice to made a crossover for once. I'll be doing this again with Echo and Droey, but that is a story for another time.

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