Saturday 24 February 2018

When I Needed You [Trying out something different]

Okay, this isn't something I'll do often but I wanted to give it a shot. I was inspired to write some poetry and even create an art piece to go with it, so you're kind of in for a double feature today!

This piece was a two colour challenge, the chosen colours being blue and pink. I obviously wanted something that fitted well with the poem and so focuses on the concept of trust. But I didn't to show someone being supported by the other, I wanted to show them both supporting each other. I think the best way to show this is with the trust excersise shown in a marvellous Disney film, The Emperor's New Groove! Without further ado, I'll present the art and the poem now, you'll be able to find sketches for this piece after the poem. I hope you enjoy the read!

I sit alone, days of old are done
I must move on like everyone
To the departing dare I saw goodbye
The world will change and so will I
A bleak abyss of paint awaits
For the innocent to be sealed to their fates
Yes all sounds grim when there's no victory
But not when there's someone with me

I've travelled several times before
For a place where I make myself more
I walk in fear across new land
Is there anyone to lend a hand
I have to hope, I have to reach
And pray that not a soul will breach
Although for Now I have my fear
It's not so strong with someone here

It starts with a chance to be taken
For my smile to once again awaken
Even if my spirit falls too far down
I cannot let another frown
So still I keep my promise to me
Providing support for my company
It's not so bad as I thought
With this new ally I've always sought

By the other I am greeted
And by the friendly warmth I'm heated
Now with their aid my spirit's lifted
As time will pass my fears are shifted
You gave me help I won't forget
And with that I have grown and yet
When comes the future I walk on
Glad even now you are not gone

I give my trust and thus we rise
For them I'm grateful and likewise
Our aid to us gave us our strength
Distance regardless we're at arm's length
With your support I climb up bound
Until my obstacles are drowned
And even when the war is through
We stick together strong as glue
For you were there when I needed you

If you read the full poem then thank you! It's not something I intend to take as a profession but I thought I'd give it a shot, provide some more depth to the artwork posted here today. Have a good day all!

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