Friday 16 February 2018

Droey's Titans

I really should do more of these cosplaying pieces in future. Since I started the blog, I think this is the second time I've done this! I first did this back in my early days with Droey and Tenvad cosplaying for the action cartoon Ace Lightning, now a full group of friends have come together to cosplay at the Teen Titans!

Droey and Co. have gathered together to form the five man band that is Cartoon Network's Teen Titans. This was fun to create, especially reinterpreting the characters to look almost like the superheroes they pretend to be. Thanks to the textiles expertise of Anne Natalie, these costumes were made possible.

Droey got to be Robin, armed with a cardboard staff! Droey loves his pockets and storage so it was quite clear he'd get to wear the utility belt of the boy wonder. And Tenvad is all dressed up as Cyborg, her arm piece provided by Anne, Tenvad designed the facial makeup herself!

John Esposito got to Beast Boy, it somewhat suits his personality. He only had to find his own outfit in black and Anne supplied him with the customised belt and gloves. Goodness knows how he'll get rid of all of that green face paint and hair dye!

Now you probably thought Anne Natalie was going to be star fire didn't you? Well here she is as Raven instead! She's painted her entire body near enough in grey and put together her own costume. Idea helped her with the hair, it wasn't easy to get those two strands to stay put above her forehead.

Ida Noe was left with Starfire, she didn't chose to be her but she couldn't make her mind up so to her it didn't really matter who she was. John thinks Ida rocks the Starfire look really well, to the point where he kind of wishes he was Robin instead!

I intended for this piece to have only five colours, but picking key colours from each Titan to decorate the group in was not quite so easy as I thought it would be. I did try for it but the robin red is only on the shirt, which would leave Droey very bare. I gave the entire piece a bold yellow outline since nobody really made use of yellow besides Droey.

That's pretty much all there is to this piece, it was a fun bit of cosplay art and a chance to draw Droey and Co. again. Maybe if you're in a group of five this is an idea you can consider if you have any cons or events to go to!

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