Friday 23 February 2018

Mac and Quaid Dancing

I couldn't let February pass without doing a piece starring Mac and Quaid, the now married couple who were introduced over a year ago on the blog. So here they are having a dance!

My reason for doing this came from a video I watched that was teaching how to draw dance, it tempted me to draw a dancing character and since out of the cast Quaid is the dancer, it made sense to draw him dancing. After looking around at some dancing poses, I found a wonderful picture of two people dancing and knew I had to recreate this, giving Mac the second role.

I have never drawn any dance in the Drawson style so it was entirely a matter of trying out the new when it came to sketching the dance. I think despite the right foot, I had an easier time sketching for Mac, Quaid's pose was like nothing I had ever seen before! After a couple of sketches for Quaid, I decided I was ready to go in for the real thing.

There's little to be said about the sketching and inking, except from how I struggled to fit them both in the space provided. I started by sketching Quaid only to realise there'd be no room for Mac, and then in the second sketch vice versa happened. Third time lucky, I shrunk down their size and found that I had only just made them the right size! Now they could both to positioned together just as was intended.

I was going to give this piece ink colouring, but I changed to pencil instead and I am so glad that I did! I started with the circular background of the spotlight shining directly between the couple and afte applying five different colours, it is one of the most beautiful backgrounds I have created! After the background I coloured the highlights, which there are three of. There's the pink one coming from the spotlight illustrated, then there are also green and orange spotlights which although not illustrated, have made their mark on Mac and Quaid, sorrounding them in the colourful abyss that they dance in.

The colouring for Mac and Quaid themselves was done pretty much the same way I would normally do it, though it has never been done with so many light sources to work around. Therefore the only challenge was applying shaded areas without contrasting with the light sources, otherwise I risked spoiling the beauty that this piece has turned out to be.

This elven actor and buff dancer have appeared from time to time in my content but nothing could ever beat the delight that was their debut in the prompt based illustration done last winter. However now I think that piece has competition for this one just screams that same beauty from the original, with the twist of the Drawson style.

If you want to know more about Mac and Quaid, you'll be able to find them throughout the blog's archive and if you want to see more of them, you're in luck because they'll be coming back again in the future, along with Droey and Co. and the rest of the blog's original characters!

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