Saturday 3 February 2018

The Realism a challenge - Anne Natalie

When I discovered my more realistic art style, which was formed by the time of my Iron Jaiden cover, I was tempted to conquer the realism challenge at long last. Out of the main three of Droey and Co. I decided to give Anne Natalie the spotlight.

First of all, here is Anne Natalie as you know her, in the Drawson Style.

So firstly, the obvious whenever anyone does this challenge, Anne Natalie has an outline in this piece. So many cartoony styles use outlines around their characters and mine is no exception.

As for the character aesthetics, Anne's eyes are unrealistically round and big, additionally her head is nearly a third of her total size; these being intentional style choices. As for colour, I do like to add shading to the characters but to add a contrast between this and the realistic picture, I used flat colour.

Quite a few things about Anne Natalie exceed the laws of physics, such as strands coming out from her bun or her giant eyelashes. As a cartoonist, it's not wrong to break the laws of physics so long as it's done tastefully, it's a case of finding the right balance of realism and imagination.

And now here's the realistic Anne Natalie, I'm sure you'll be surprised.

So the outline is gone. Now my realistic style does still use an outline but for this challenge I removed the outline completely, to actually make this more challenging and the result more realistic. Given how cartoony Anne's design is, she adapted to the realism style quite nicely.

One of the most dramatic differences is shown in her hair, even though the style is the same, her strands are more flowy and she has longer eyebrows. Additionally the eyelashes have shrunk and are in fact some of the best eyelashes I have ever drawn.

Something I struggled with when making this one was maintaining the youthful image of Anne Natalie, who is very close to Droey Drawson in age. When you aim to be realistic, you tend you add in more details but the more you add on the face, the less youthful it can look. I think I was able to find the right balance on this face.

If you are taking up art or are an artist, I would recommend trying this out. It will allow cartoonists to better in the realism style and could even teach you things to add into your cartoony style. As an artist, the more styles you are capable of, the better it could be for you, but don't lose sight of your style or panic about what that style is. At the end of the day, the art is yours to make so do it how you want to.

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