Friday 10 November 2017

The Cloud Dragon

First of all, I would like to thank those who checked out my Halloween web-comic, 'Sbookies', one of the most viewed masterpieces on the blog! If you're new to the blog or haven't seen it yet, you'll find it in October 2017 in the archive, I highly recommend you give it a read.

I watched Echo Gillette's video on how to draw dragons and found it rather useful. I decided to take a shot at it myself and used a prompt generator to come up with what type of dragon I would be making.

The result was themed around clouds. Although clouds are generally shapeless, they are associated with being fluffy so that was what I aimed for designing this dragon. Following every step provided was fairly simple, though I might have broken the conventions of body shape by making his upper half fluffier rather than streamlined. I excluded wings from this dragon since clouds are airborne, it seemed redundant to give wings to something sharing the traits of a cloud.

If I was to have gained anything from this, it would be that I have learned dragon anatomy, much quicker than I have learnt human anatomy I suppose, but then that would be years of learning against one video! In hindsight I could have been a bit more adventurous and might add to this design in the future, or even branch out into multiple designs. If that's the case then you'll be seeing the cloud dragon again, perhaps very soon.

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