Saturday 18 November 2017

He Went Home Very Slowly

I actually made this a month ago, I've been getting creative all over again and so with more content than I expected this one has been patiently waiting a few weeks for it's reveal, and here it is.

This is the final screen capture of the original episode from 'Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends', one that has always lasted in my memory. It felt appropriate to return to this scene and recreate it, simply because the future of the franchise is not looking particularly good right now. I applaud those who are staying positive or are sticking around for the new material, it'll take some guts to do so.

I will continue to watch, simply because I need to see just what Thomas is becoming, no matter how it is. We were able to sit through the early CGI seasons, I can imagine we'll sit through this for however long it lasts.

As for the artsy topic to this piece, it was inked with a 0.01 fineliner and coloured with watercolour pencils, in order to provide a close a result to the original scene. I looked at some concept art for this location to discover the camera is actually facing North East, and thus I considered changing the sky to fit with this geographical information. I inevitably decided against it simply so I could better replicate this scene. If I were to have changed anything, looking back on this, I would have done a better job on the fence. There is one point where the planks seem to line up unrealistically, I shan't say where.

You'll also notice that on the top right, written in the white space is a declaration that my first Droey's Draws sketchbook has reached it's end! There are still some pieces from this sketchbook that I can upload before all of it's content has been shared on this blog, and you'll have access by now to the front cover of my second sketchbook. Now don't expect anything like a sketchbook tour, at least not any time soon. Perhaps in the distant future when this early content is just a memory I'll work on it.

As you can gather, this piece is all about what has been accomplished and what's ahead of us. Let's hope the journey of Droey's Draws continues to get better, with every masterpiece, with every sketchbook.

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