Saturday 11 November 2017

Justice League - High School Students?

I am aware that there was an intended cartoon called 'Gotham High' in which the cast of Batman would be reinterpreted as high school students. It probably wasn't going to be much good, but hey it would have been a possible laugh.

So in light of this I have taken the Justice League themselves and redesigned them to look like high school students (and unfortunately a snooker player in Hal's case).

This took me a few days to create, spending about a day on each of the three stages (sketching, inking and colouring). Throughout all three days I had a lot of fun working on this one.

The main goal was to make each member of the Justice League maintain a resemblance to their superhero costumes while clearly dressed casually as teenagers. Admittedly I took advantage of the 'Bruce is a billionaire' as an excuse for his unusual clothing and hairstyle, and regret what I did with Barry's hair.

This started with the famous trio, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. For Batman, as I already explained, his clothes would be of his own design (or at least belong to a division of his fortune). Superman's was an easy change. I gave him shorts since he wouldn't be wearing his underwear on the outside, and replaced his cape with a Jock jacket.

Wonder Woman is the pride of this piece for me, I had already set in stone what I wanted to do with her costume design and I believe it works perfectly. She still has her bracelets, you can only just see them and additionally I have given her hair a gradient that turns into the blue used to highlight black hair in comics.

Aquaman was next, and I decided to make him the Waterboy, given his theme. The Aquaman logo is now a badge that sits on the strap holding his giant water butt. I've also got him doing some charity work, saving the whales.

Green Lantern was a struggle. While he does not resemble a teenager like the rest of them, the look I was going for was that of an unconventional teenager. I can imagine him being one of two things, one of those works really hard and dresses to show it students or perhaps those with the green lantern are a uniformed group within the school. It just so happens that to best compliment his costume design, I had to make him look like a snooker player, oh well.

Martian Manhunter had two designs as I went about including him into the picture. I was originally going to add Cyborg instead but given that there was no room to fit another full body view of a character, I decided to depict the traditional Justice League. Maybe if I interpret the Teen Titans as (casual) teens, Cyborg can feature. Manhunter was originally going to wear a leather jacket, but then I discovered a hoodie with a collar exactly like his cape's and it was settled. The red x is just a print on his shirt and then the rest of his clothes (bar socks) are coloured in blue.

Now the Flash is one I feel I didn't do justice. I had his body costume decided and that was fine, but trying to style his hair to resemble his headgear overcame me. I was going to have his hair red, bar the lightning strikes on the side (which would be blonde and more wavy), in the end I settled for ginger hair to keep it between the red of Flash's headpiece and the blonde of Barry Allen's hair. I was stupid however and when I realized my mistake, I went back to redesign him and so below is The Flash as he should be.

These are the clothes I originally had in mind for Flash, since the yellow lining resembles the lightning patterns on his costume, and it's genuine sportswear which would allow him to continue running as he likes. The shoes were always intended to have wings as well, you'll notice his lightning strikes are replaced with wings everywhere but on his logo. The hair is now fully blonde and he is wearing a red woolly hat, seriously why did I not think of hats?

Well that's it for these seven designs, I hope you like them! How would you have designed the Justice Teens? Be sue to let me know, and possibly how you would interpret other DC Comic characters in teenage form!

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