Friday 4 August 2017

What Almost Was

A few weeks ago, I started something that was going to be fantastic. But I think I spent too long working towards it, hence not actually finishing it. Today I am going to show you the sketches that were building up to a little poster featuring six iconic characters.

This is my favourite of the character designs featured in the project. There was a fair amount of historical influence on this character, and giving her a Snow Owl, one of the deadliest birds, was a lovely touch. I even liked this design so much that I messed around with her face a bit! You may also notice some German fashion taking influence on this character. Can you guess who this is?

Also note that body drawing with the arrow on the top right was actually a thumbnail sketch for my Jodie Whittaker's Doctor Who.

This one has wintery powers and is able to control snow and ice matter. I took a rather royal approach with this character as she was going to be the leader of the group, you could say she was the queen. There was little I could go on for this character design other than royal clothing, winter wear and original drawings of the character she is based on. I think it's fairly obvious who this one is.

Sadly this is where I gave up. And given the film I had just recently seen, I expected to be extremely motivated to draw this one. I took beautiful french models and tried to combine them with almost demonic looking beasts, favouring the furry kind of course. I was going for a cross between the Jekyl and Hyde or Beast Boy sort of character with this one. A beautiful concept it would have been but alas it just didn't happen. Now I'll be surprised if you didn't get this one. Let's have a look at what this was all building up to shall we?

It still looks beautiful despite not being completed and I really wish I was able to motivate myself to finish this and make the rest of the designs to be as appealing. In all honesty though, I think I wore all of my creativity out on the first design.

Have you guessed who these characters are based on yet? Allow me to introduce you to a Superhero take on the famous females associated with the Disney Princess lineup! (I know, Elsa is not a princess but her reasons is what made me include her as their leader).

I bet now you know who those designs were I'm sure. Let me know if you can guess who the other three are, I'll tell you now only one of the unfinished designs does not reside in the Disney Princess lineup.

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