Monday 7 August 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | P

P is for Piggley Winks

There were a few possibilities for P, but I soon came the choice of someone who was a rather popular character in his time, at least where I lived. I have known a few humanoid pigs in my time, Miss Piggy, Huxley Pig, Paxton the Pig from a Shaun The Sheep spin off 'Timmy Time' but this particular pig was one I got to see a lot of and had a great deal of charm. Ladies and gentleman, in a way he is the only kids character I know to get away with naming his show after and having the catphrase of 'Jesus' (seriously, look it up in 'Jakers!'), it's Piggley!

Jakers was a formulated show (although the formula was flexible) in which during the present Piggley is a grandfather who is telling the stories to his grandchildren to apply the lessons he learnt in his childhood to their present day situations. It's also apparent the grandchildren can tell when Piggley is exaggerating in one of his stories.

During his own childhood, we get to see the adventurous and mischievous Piggley Winks and his friends getting up to all sorts of shenanigans while either trying to accomplish something or learn a lesson that allows them to grow as people... or animals, I suppose. There was also the B-Plot starring Wiley the Sheep, a rather advanced sheep compared to his peers as he led them in their own simpler adventures that would often coincide with Piggley's.

I was a bit pressed for time when it came to making this, as I've had to be preparing for a week attending to other matters. But I knew I wanted both present and past Piggley to be involved so I first worked on the elderly incarnation which would act as the silhouette in the backdrop, a reminder of what is to come for the young Piggley, who would be oblivious to his future.

Since I haven't done it since I did 'G' in the Alphabet Challenge, I decided to bring back the Drawson style but modify it for the anatomy of a pig. I think I made him too tall in his young age. Oh well.

I have also returned to the use of coloured pencils, which worked best on his jumper. A combination of three colours allowed me to get the right base layer and then the details of his jumper, which looking back on this piece are my favourite element. His skin tone turned out alright as well, using a combination of pink and peach. The nose however might be a bit too much of the bright pink rather than the faded red. Overall I think this entry was a bit of a hit and miss.

Have you seen the letter O? If not you can check it out via my page for the 'Alphabet Challenge' as well as previous entries. Look out for Q coming soon!

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