Friday 30 June 2017

The Giant Moth

Tenvad's back! But unfortunately she's got company...

It's 'Hawkmoth'! Oh wait, Miraculous Ladybug beat me to it.

So the idea for this came about one night when I was on my laptop, hence the inclusion of Tenvad. It was during one of the very hot days while I had the cold. Because of this I had the window open, now I wasn't surprised to see the casual moth or two fly in to embrace the light but soon came something I would never have expected.

I head what sounded like the continuous loop of someone flicking through a paperback book and looked in the direction of the sound. There was his moth the size of my palm not actually after the light but some space (namely my bedroom) to fly around! I'll never see moths the same way again, and I was able to get it out again luckily, with some help of course.

Another thing is that I thought I had gotten rid of it but when I turned the light off and got in my bed, it was flying about again, it had never left the room! The light went back on and the hunt continued, after which the moth was finally out of the room for certain.

The news always warns us about certain insects and such but they never actually turn up, whilst the ones they should be giving a heads up about actually turn up, sums up my luck eh?

Well that's everything regarding this piece and I hope it has entertained you.

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