Saturday 10 June 2017

Some Handy Tryouts

Pretty proud of my productivity in practice, I've been training myself in the art of hands!

Here you can see four of the hand gestures I practiced. My favourites being the first free, although I'm proud to have accomplished the fourth hand marked in ballpoint pen. The first three hands came from a tutorial on YouTube for hand drawing, 'If You Hate Drawing Hands, Try This' I think it is called. I would certainly recommend it if you want the hand broken down into the core three shapes. It has made me a lot for confident in drawing the closed fist hand, and I feel I'll be able to improve hands that are holding staffs, swords or any other prop which consists of a handle.

These hands here are not particularly favourable. The left hand is adequate, my only con with it is that it's not a hand posture that would be used often (at least to my knowledge). As for the right hand, it proved too challenging for me it seems. Apart from the pinky finger, the rest are misshapen but the body of the hand and the wrist are decent enough.

Well that's it for the hand practice I have done this week. I might do some more, I may even practice some feet or another part of the body, in all honesty I do need to improve my anatomy, if only it were something art students were actually taught early on, funny enough I've never actually been taught anything about it, I'm self taught... with a little help from YouTube!

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