Saturday 24 June 2017

Hot and Cold

So summer has kicked in and the past week has been excellent in terms of weather. Although a couple of days into this heat wave, something happened...

I was inspired to create this fun little piece. That's right, Droey's back everyone and his absence appears to be due to the common cold. Whereas Anne Natalie (welcome back to her as well!) is still feeling fit as a fiddle and enjoying the summer sunshine.

I've never really had a cold outside of the winter season but it didn't stop me going about my day. In fact, as you can see it's triggered me to become a little more active in the art department. The Alphabet Challenge's 'M' is almost done and I've got something in mind for next week also based on the events of this past week. Another familiar face may be making a return next week as well so keep an eye out for Team Drawson because they're on their way back!

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