Saturday 25 February 2017

Three Colour Challenge | Willow Tree

I'm no alien to the three colour challenge, and I enjoy doing this. In all honesty I don't think I should consider it a challenge anymore but that's the official name for it so I'll stick by it.

I was given the colours Salmon, Light Green and Sandstorm by chance, but was not quite sure what to create with them so I went through my collection of motivational images and came across a willow tree. Why not?

I don't often draw anything plant like or even environmental, I'm quite obsessed with character designs and drawings so this is the first time I've drawn any kind of tree in quite a while. I chose the willow tree because they give me a rather nostalgic feeling. I can remember seeing them as a child going to and from places and being so intrigued by these trees in particular, they were different from the other trees. I don't doubt that trees have a concept of diversity but this was how I saw them in my younger years.

As an art piece itself, it's probably not my best but it served it's purpose. It made me go out of my comfort zone to draw something I don't usually draw which is partly what challenges like these are all about. Maybe I'll do something like this for one of my challenges in the future, but only time will tell.

Friday 24 February 2017

OCs - Anne, Mac and Quaid

You may remember two characters I presented last week that were designed from some character prompts. Well after that first drawing of them, I couldn't just ignore them and temptation told me to draw them again. So here are Mac and Quaid in Drawson style. 

I'll admit that if I have to compare these to the previous, I prefer this version of Mac the Elven Man but prefer the more realistic approach to Quaid. Maybe Quaid just needs a differently shaped head, I'd be open to changing that. His hood is down this time because the design prompt indicates he had his hood up for warmth, which leads me to believe he otherwise would go without the hood up.

As for the girl on the right, I assume you've met her by now but if not, you can find out about her on the 'Droey and Co.' page, this is Anne Natalie, Anne for short. I haven't drawn her much so I felt it necessary to draw her with the two newcomers. But maybe I made her arms too long, oh well.

Do you have a favourite out of the OCs so far? Let me know in the comment and give me your reasons, I'm interested to know.

Monday 20 February 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | D

D is for Daphne Blake

Originally I intended to give you Dennis the Menace, but since I'd drawn Clifford previously I didn't want the colour schemes to clash. As a result I searched a list of D characters I was not only familiar with but actually relevant to my memories or influences. I considered such as Danny Phantom, Danger Mouse and even Dipsy of the Teletubbies! I did consider Doctor Who but 'DrawingWiffWaffles', the user who inspired me to do this challenge chose The Doctor for D so I didn't want to do the same. As a result the choice was narrowed down to Donatello the Turtle or Daphne Blake; as you can see I've chosen the latter.

I reckon my choice paid off very well. Since I was drawing a Scooby Doo character I wanted to add that extra creepy factor to this piece and so taking influence from a rather Tim Burton look and deliberately not adding any pupils I ended up with in my opinion the best Daphne I've drawn to date.

This even turned out as an opportunity to experiment a bit as for the first time ever I used my white pen. It's one of those pens you have to shake and then press hard on the paper to make the ink come out; I'm not sure if they're all like that but if not then I'd prefer a different kind. This is the first time I used it on any art that mattered and having already made sure it worked alright, this was the real test. The result became a marvelous highlight in Daphne's hair which after marking I never dared touch again in case I ruined it!

I also included The Phantom Shadow, also known to some (myself included) as Green Ghost. I chose this particular monster to add to the piece since my favourite PlayStation game to this day 'Scooby Doo : Night of 100 Frights' included a boss level where you had to face off this ghost (which was awesome) to save Daphne.

Have you seen the letter C? If not you can check it out via my page for 'The Alphabet Challenge' as well as all previous entries. Look out for E coming soon!

Sunday 19 February 2017

New Page | Droey and Co.

Hello all, Droey here!

Unfortunately there is no art attached to this post. However instead there is art on the new page!

You can now meet the following OCs on this new page dedicated to hosting Droey and his familiars.


There will be more art coming soon, and you'll be seeing these characters and more in the future. 

Be sure to come back tomorrow to see the next part of my Alphabet Challenge where you'll find out who I have chosen for the letter D!

Saturday 18 February 2017

Character Design Prompt | Mac and Quaid

I was doing some more character and situation prompts and I got an elven man with delicate angular features as well as kissing by the fireworks. So I had another character prompt and that's when things changed.

I was then witnessing the birth of two Original Characters I didn't think I'd ever have created. But regardless I definitely want to make more of them. Mac and elf and Quaid the... I'm not really sure yet are the first homosexual couple I can recall creating, and no I haven't not created any out of homophobia. So without further ado, here they are.

You'll see them again, most probably in Drawson style but I don't intend for this to be the only time I draw them like I have done today. I know I haven't drawn them actually kissing like the prompt told me but let's just say they're on their way there. I couldn't resist giving them the same eye colour.

Why do I chose the names Mac and Quaid? Well back in my GCSE years, I was involved in a drama performance centered around a child who had gay parents, it was a comedy. I named these two after those characters. Mac is the feminine one and Quaid is the masculine one. I hope you like them as much as I do.


Friday 17 February 2017

Uh Oh! | Teletubbies Humanised

I love humanizing cartoon characters (most of anyway) and so I decided for this first time this year to finally do so again. But who were my subjects going to be this time?

The Teletubbies

That's right, I humanized all four of them. I know I'm not the first but really what matters if not being first, but being original. I feel to some extent I have met those standards. I know they all have pretty similar designs but I have given them all unique costumes and bodies. I find it difficult to actually pick a design I favour most, so I'll leave that to you.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Mix'n'Match Shipping Results

Prior to the presentation of your requested mashup, I would like to thank everyone who voted on the poll and made this possible.

Recently you were given the chance to decide who would be shipped together in this piece I create for Valentines day. Twenty available options were provided and here are the results.

A quarter of the characters gained a total of 8% of your votes, these characters being Mickey Mouse, Batman, Flynn Rider, Simon The Digger and Baymax. Imagine if all of these had tied for first place, what a picture that would be!

Third place goes to a famous Disney queen and the most iconic comic book villain of all time, Elsa of Arendelle and The Joker were given 16% each.

Speaking of DC characters, another one reaches second place and with such being the case a lot of you wanted a lesbian encounter with Harley Quinn and Minnie Mouse with a quarter of the total votes each!

And now for the winners. I really enjoyed putting these two together and had so many ideas that I may even make a continuation of this shipping that you might find some time! Both of them are from movies which have been deemed as iconic and yet I have drawn neither of them before up until this point, that said I reckon I did alright.

Okay time to stop stalling, if you have read this far without skipping then I thank you very much and your patience will now be rewarded. The winning couple this year is...

Danny Zuko & Princess Leia

Saturday 11 February 2017

Character and Situations Prompts | 'I never meant this to happen'



As the title says, truer words were never spoken. When one does the 'Character Prompt' challenge, you never know what you're going to come out with. I also decided to add a situation prompt to this piece to give my character something to do rather than just stand there, a habit I need to break out of.

This peice took me at least three days and also experiments my use of ball point pens. The only colour I allowed myself to use in this piece was red, to contrast with the rest of the greyscale in this picture (and because blood is involved). Below I describe the prompts I was given.

Character Prompt

A gargantuan amphibian - humanoid fortune teller who has only one arm and punches first, asks questions later.

Situation Prompt

'I never meant this to happen' he muttered as he stared at himself in the mirror, covered in blood.

These two actually went quite well together and nothing was left out. I don't emphasize the last part of the character description, but I think the situation covers that for me. I considered drawing both sides of the mirror but for a creepier effect I chose just to draw his reflection, framed in the mirror.

Well I think that's just about everything I can say about this piece, other than I absoloutley love how this turned out and it was an experience I'd gladly try again some time soon. Maybe this OC will return one day in better health, or maybe he'll just remain the same.

If you have read this far I thank you very much, and as a reward, you now get to see the official result. Behold the giant amphibian fortune teller!

Friday 10 February 2017

Who am I?

After a bit of stress, an artist may like to draw it away. This is one of those examples. Feeling better now though!

I tried to create something with absoloutley no identity, no trademarks, nothing that can say who or what it is. Including a list of name or terms that wouldn't fit, one of which I have ironically used.

This was also an oppurtunity to use ball point pens for the first time in ages. I haven't forgotten what I was taught, which was very little to be honest. I love how the paper bag turned out and you may see me use ball point pens again in the future.

Monday 6 February 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | C

C is for Clifford the Big Red Dog

I'd like to point out that this piece wins the record for taking the least amount of time, I finished this in less than a day! I had recently bought a 24 pack of Crayola Markers (something I haven't done in years) and as Crayola always does, the colour impressed me. I had just about the right colours for this guy and I felt Clifford deserved a little attention.

I was going to have Emily Elizabeth giving Clifford a hug as is shown in the title sequence, but I could tell the way I had drawn Clifford was not the same and so I risked making a disproportionate Emily who wouldn't fit into the piece. I don't regret my decisions, she saved me some red ink! I'm proud of this piece, especially since it's the first time I can recall drawing either of these characters.

Have you seen Letter B? If not, you can check it out via my page for 'The Alphabet Challenge' as well as all previous entries. Look out for D coming soon!

Sunday 5 February 2017

Mix'n'Match Shipping - Poll Closed

Hello all, Droey here!

The poll set up for this Valentines Day's Mix'n'Match Shipping piece is now officially closed. Thank you everyone who has voted, your contributions are appreciated and will now be rewarded.

I shan't reveal yet who will be appearing in this piece because I'd like to surprise you on the day. Be sure to come back on Valentines Day to find out who the winners are and to see them paired or even grouped up together!

Tit For Tat | Megasketcher's Farewell

Before I go on to talk about this unusual submission, I'd just like to remind viewers to this blog about the Mix'N'Match Shipping poll, to find out all you need, scroll down to the polls placed in the side bar. You have until the TONIGHT at 18:00 so if you're considering making a vote, be sure to do so before it's too late!

And lastly before we continue, we'll establish one thing. Yes, I'm a still a fan of Thomas; I owe just about everything I am to this character.

I've been cleaning up lately and I happen to come across two old toys stored away. Both of which were variants of the 'Thomas and Friends Megasketcher'. Of course I don't have any intention of keeping them, one was faded and struggling to erase it's work while the other is better off in the hands of another fan. Needless to say I couldn't part with such a sacred item as this before doing one last sketch on it and what with recent events, I knew exactly what to draw.

Recently the television series has made a move believed to have been impossible a few years back. But with the introduction of characters originally from the books once more (Rex, Mike and Bert), they have also adapted stories from their Railway Series book to the television. It only seemed fitting to make the last illustration on a Thomas product, Thomas related. This particular piece being based on the story of 'Tit For Tat' in which the writer of the book himself splashes one of the engines with mud by accident.

This product played a large role in my younger years as it was suitable for me. I could draw as much as I wanted without worrying about mess, only at the cost of erasing work for good. But the paint has faded, the eraser is ageing and pieces are missing. It's time for the Megasketcher to depart, farewell old friend.

Saturday 4 February 2017

#MeetTheArtist | Droey Drawson

Before I go on to talk about this #MeetTheArtist business, I'd just like to remind viewers to this blog about the Mix'N'Match Shipping poll, to find out all you need, scroll down to the polls placed in the side bar. You have until the 5th February at 18:00 so if you're considering making a vote, be sure to do so before it's too late!

I have recently seen this going around where artists create themselves a profile so viewers can get to know the artist. Of course, I couldn't miss out on doing something like this so I instantly gave it a shot. And so, here's Droey Drawson.

I did a bit of experimenting with highlighters here and as it was my first attempt to create a solid block, it didn't turn out as well as I'd like it to but it serves it's purpose. And of course, as has been mentioned in the past, Droey is not a lone wolf, I made similar profiles for some of his friends so be sure to come back to check them out!

Friday 3 February 2017

Silence Falls [Doctor Who and Gravity Falls Mashup]

Before I begin, I'd just like to remind viewers to this blog about the Mix'N'Match Shipping poll, to find out all you need, scroll down to the polls placed in the side bar. You have until the 5th February at 18:00 so if you're considering making a vote, be sure to do so before it's too late!

I am a Whovian, I've been one for nine years now. As for Gravity Falls, I only started watching it last year having heard how great it was and needless to say I was not disappointed. I don't exactly know what it was that motivated me to do this but I did and the two actually mix quite well. I based most of the Doctor Who content from Matt Smith's era, with a few exceptions.

This piece has taken me about a week, more than anything else in this sketchbook so far! Hopefully those into both shows will be able to get all of the references / character choices. Sadly the top left came out blurred on camera for some reason, but on Blendin's uniform it reads 'YANA'. The logo was made suing Flaming Text.