Saturday 31 August 2019

That Time Jazza Trusted Us With Photoshop | PART ONE

Ages ago Jazza set up an art challenge for us to Photoshop him in whatever way we pleased in order to roast him. I took this opportunity at the time but never shared the work I had done! So after over a year in hiding here is one of three pieces that I created.

I didn't do this with the intention of roasting Jazza but having fun with Photoshop instead, so this piece is a fairly simple one. These two Jazzas just seemed to go so well together that I had to combine them. The only real editing that would be to these is the removal of their backgrounds and then duplicating the hand of the friendly Jazza to overlap grumpy Jazza.

That's about as much as can be said for this piece, but it is the simplest of the three. They're only going to get better from here! Come back on the 11th September for the second edition in this Jazza themed trilogy! Or if you'd rather, come back every Wednesday and Saturday for new content on the blog!

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