Wednesday 21 August 2019

Droey Drawson's Spidersona

So there was a trend earlier this year about Spiderman, in which people designed their own suits and called them Spidersonas, here's an in-depth look at the Spidersona created earlier this year on YouTube!

The finished result was a Droey Drawson version of the Spiderman swinging over a number of people having just come out from a portal. The Spider-hat observes the area he has just arrived in as he swings by, unable to predict this area he had just arrived in through the portal.

I initially had difficulty with designing the spider-suit, since I didn't find it easy to find all of the different variations of Spiderman that exist beyond the Spiderverse film. The only thing I knew was that this design was going to be wearing a cap and there would be the spider emblem on his design, as seems to be the case for every Spiderman variation. When I played around the spider emblem I toyed with the idea of making each leg reach out to a different part of the costume, which is what I ended up sticking with.

The lower legs stretch down the suit's legs, the third pair wraps around to the back of the design and joins up to the end of the second pair of legs which go over the shoulder and close in on each other in a triangular formation. The details for the back of the costume were never actually sketched but this description is what I intended for the back to look like, hopefully the description is clear enough to create an accurate image in your head.

I was considering drawing influence from the Iron Spider's costume but decided not to go with that, though I did take the web shooters, which I believed are based on his design. You can see in the sketches above I tried shaping my hair into the formation of spider legs which may have been unique to this Spiderman but this idea was rejected to it's awful impact it would have on the character's silhouette.

When looking at some spider images, it dawned upon me that I could alter the peek of the cap to resemble the mouth of a spider which might is one of my favourtie elements from the whole costume. The cap also gained a web textured tail that stretches around the back of the cap. During the video you can see I was going to outline the web pattern in black but I changed my mind towards the end and went with the conventional white lining.

So what's with the portal? Well this Spiderman is Droey Drawson, but this isn't our Droey Drawson! Just like with Foey, Spider-hat does not originate from this reality, which would also mean there's a Spiderman somewhere in this reality other than Spider-hat! Have we met the other Spiderman yet or do I need to design another one...

Have you created a Spidersona? Definitely give it a shot because everyone can be a Spiderman, and it's a fun character design challenge!

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