Saturday 3 August 2019

Ode to Evil

Today's art piece puts the spotlight on the villains of our blog, can you remember them all?

Of course you all know Agrius Moth, who wouldn't at this point? From the left right, the villains are Raven Hole, Quinman, Elias, Foey and Plottie. Here are some brief descriptions of each villain.

Agrius Moth is not the most evil being in the world, though if he had his way you'd probably think it! Once arrested for a crime he didn't commit, Agrius was thought to be forever banished from regular society until Droey accidentally released him from imprisonment and so he's back to his schemes in hopes of being recognized as the ultimate villain.

Raven Hole is one of the biggest threats around, but that's all he seems to be, a threat. It is said his head holds the power to consume mass much like a black hole, hence the name granted to him. However nobody in Jansterwick has seen this act of evil in action, thankfully. Raven is strong, cold and uncaring but seems to be quick to hold back on using this ultimate power of his, though he wouldn't hesitate to warn people that he just might!

Quinman doesn't come across as evil when you meet him, perhaps selfish and to some he might be obsessive. Perhaps it's not himself who is the villain but what he may be doing, though nobody seems to know much about the mannequin with a disguise for every occasion, there is many a mystery behind Quinman.

Elias wouldn't be recognized for anything involving Droey and Co. but he would for the Santa and Elle series. Elias has been accounted for three villainous acts and may be the naughtiest elf in the North Pole! He stole from the workshops, attempted to bomb Santa and then years later came back to blackmail Elle! After that Elias was taken away and if kept under watchful eyes, may never return to continue his villainy again.

Foey and Plottie are the evil counterparts to Droey Drawson and Lottie Line. Foey is aggressive and full of evil ideas but Plottie keeps him in line with her superior scheming abilities and calmer mindset. Plottie even managed to kidnap Michow Mooble once!

Despite featuring five villains, the colour scheme of only one of these is used in the piece. Since Agrius is supposed to be the main part of this piece, I used his colour scheme and then decided where each colour would best suit. I chose a bronze colour instead of gold in the background to allow Agrius to stand out, and then a desaturated mahogany for the strip, a paler version of this being applied to the remaining villains so they would still stand out from both Agrius and the background.

So these are all the villains we know in Droey's Draws so far, there could be more in the future and we'll most probably see these five again in the future up to no good! Have you created a villainous character of your own, or just an antagonist? It's good fun to create a villain, whether or not they have powers they'll be one of the characters you love the most!

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