Saturday 24 August 2019

Know Your Worth

Then add tax!

I was wondering what to draw one day when I was given the suggestion to draw Lottie Line wearing a crown and that same person gave me some phrases to chose from. This was the one that screamed out to me, 'Know your worth, then add tax'.

I quickly set about making a start on this piece, starting off with Lottie proudly wearing a small crown. I thought it would suit to have the text appear beside her and have it take up about as much height as the drawing of Lottie. The colours were from my Crayola collection, except from the background which is made up of Spectrum Noir markers.

In hindsight, this piece needed more planning. Some of the colours weren't swatched which caused them to look a bit off compared to Lottie's actual design. The layout of the background was also a last minute idea in order to unite the text with Lottie, so that should've been included in the sketches to ensure a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.

What do you think about this piece? I still appreciate the upbeat vibe it carries, despite the flaws in it's execution. Remember to know your worth, then add tax!

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