Wednesday 7 August 2019

Ballpoint Pens Don't Love Droey

I recorded this for a YouTube video but something went wrong in post production and so the episode was cancelled. But you can still see the art piece itself, a beautiful piece that sadly didn't make it onto the YouTube screen!

So why is it called Ball Point Pens Don't Love Droey? That's because they don't, I was struggling with mines just to get the line art done and there were a couple of blips in this piece! One pair of legs ended up being different widths as a result while that same character nearly had his hand cut off, if not for the fact that I could make it into a wrist band.

For the colouring of this piece I was working with pencils and chose to give the background a pink tint. I didn't want it to be obviously pink but enough to make all of the colours feel united, this was done only for the background and the bench. Droey, Raven and Bouqueefious were not given the tint and this includes the umbrella held by Droey. This way the three of them would stand out. I designed all three of these characters seperatley but was pleasantly surprised to see how well their colour schemes coincided with each other and the rest of the piece. There's a lot of blue, black, brown and pale skin tones.

So what about the context of this composition? Well I found an image on Pinterest of two people kissing while a third person held an umbrella above their heads, and instantly knew I wanted to do this with Droey holding the umbrella. Left to right, Bouqueefious and Raven had recently been created so I thought I'd give them their debut in this piece. I suppose some regular fans of Droey's Draws were hoping this was where John and Ida would have been put together, maybe one day in the future!

Lastly the elephant in the room, there is no visible rain. I made the sky a very desaturated blue to suggest a lot of dark clouds which I think has worked, I could have added a rain pattern over the image but I decided against it. Maybe it's about to rain?

So that's this beautiful but formerly hidden treasure of an art piece. I'll reveal now that something in this art piece is due to lead on to a future art piece so be prepared everyone, we're bringing more continuity to Droey's Draws!

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