Wednesday 14 August 2019

Dungeons and Drawgons

You haven't seen Gary in a while have you! He's made a friend and she's introducing him to the game that he has never played before. It's not a video game, it's Dungeons and Drawgons!

Gary was out getting some food shopping and grumbling to himself when he bumped into a girl who seemed obsessed with black and red coming out from a shop that had recently opened. Gary had never been in there because it wasn't his scene, the shop sold paraphernalia relating with mystical forces but the girl he'd met was clearly into this culture herself. After apologizing the girl seemed quite interested in getting to know him.

'So what do I call you, mister?' Gary's new friend asked.

'Gary. What's your's?'

'Witch.' she replied.

'First name, obviously?' Witch laughed at Gary.

'Sorry, no, my name is Witch!' After the brief explanation, Gary understood.

'So Gary, are you to kind to play a game?'

'I play any game.' Gary assured confidently.

'Roleplaying?' Gary's eyes darted around to see if anyone was looking, he was quite taken by surprise with the discussion they were having. Regardless he confidently smiled back.

'If you like.'

'How about coming with me to play a game tomorrow night?' Gary was interested so he agreed and she gave him her social media link so they could keep in touch. Gary was looking forward to it, until he realized what sort of game he'd gotten himself into.

'Dungeons and Drawgons?' Gary asked hesitantly as he held the instruction manual and looked at a board laid out on a table. There he was playing not an electronic game like he was used to, but a role playing game set in medieval times! They weren't alone either, two more men were there, at least Chad was definitely male. The other person was so heavily dressed up their gender was as disguised as their identity! It wasn't until they spoke that Gary realized the role player was a man.

Witch was still new to Dungeons and Drawgons herself but she was a keen learner, while Chad was calmly watching everyone and looking out for ways to correct any rookie mistakes that were being made. As for the cosplaying Dungeon Master, he was quite over the top and very into his role, which seemed to annoy Chad quite a bit! Gary knew after this one session that he would not be returning for more Dungeons and Drawgons in future!

I'd like to point out now that I have not been misspelling Dragons, but where Droey comes from they have Dungeons and Drawgons. It's very much the same but a different brand. Do you enjoy role playing or acting? Are you surprised that Mac and Quaid couldn't make it to this game? And what does Lexi think of Gary's new friend you may ask? Quite a few questions but how soon might they be answered...

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