Saturday 3 November 2018

Sorry Guys, No Soul Stone

Look out guys, Agrius has found a very powerful gauntlet, The Limited Gauntlet!

So I've created a parody version of the Infinity Gauntlet, with a couple of major differences. For one thing, this gauntlet is silver and the other difference is the lack of a soul stone, do you see Agrius having five fingers?

So what powers does the Limited Gauntlet have? Well let's go over each stone. There's the reality stone, which forces everyone to abide by the laws of physics and disables the power to retcon or reboot the timeline. The space stone prevents teleportation and the ability to move objects telekineticly. The power stone can drain energy, that's it. The time stone keeps things moving in an orderly timeline and cancels out any time manipulation or travel. The big one, the mind stone, stops anyone from thinking clearly and disorientates them.

So what's the point in having such a limiting weapon? Well nobody really knows or has been mad enough to try finding out until Agrius here has assembled the stones! Will the gauntlet grant him absolute power or will it just affect him? He'll find out with the click of his finger.

This piece was a delight to put together and finished up looking so beautiful! I used masking tape to prevent my watercolour pencils from exceeding the box I set as a limitation and this techniques worked really well; I've seen many doing this before but I haven't really done it myself.

Agrius holding a gauntlet like this gave me the oppurtunity to use more than two hands to express his actions, I don't like to leave all of his hands inactive because that can come across as boring. I gave Agrius' gloveless left hand the gauntlet and had his gloved left hand the chance to click. Meanwhile his right gloved hand would clench into a fist to express the power bestowed upon him. You may notice the gauntlet look rather large, though this is down to perspective, his gauntlet hand is close to directly above his clicking hand. To help emphasise this perspective I enlarged the outer line of the gauntlet, hopefully it worked out.

What do you think will come out of Agrius possessing the Limited Gauntlet? Will it be doom and gloom for us or is it a ripoff at his expense? Let me know what you think, and perhaps give it a try at illustrating a gauntlet, I'd be interested to see what you come up with!

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