Wednesday 21 November 2018

Justice League - Head Shots

I know the film has been out for about a year but I love my DC heroes and the Justice League has my approval. I wanted to draw them all again but this time in the Drawson style. This decision led to me doing just head shots for each of the six members as they appear in the film.

Flash is the only character I gave the traditional circle shape, I couldn't do the whole set without a circle head. I might decide that Flash's eyes are actually semi circular rather than just hidden by the mask, as is the case for his lack of visible nose.

Superman's head shape is identical to Quaid (see Mac and Quaid to receive an example). I think this does him justice (no pun intended) and is a design that could actually suit every depiction of Superman, eye colour permitted.

Cyborg was a challenging design to begin with. I was going to give him an oval head but then I decided I preferred the shape he has in Teen Titans Go and so took that and his nose. His mechanical enhancements are based on his film design, so the design isn't a complete rip off, don't worry!

Aquaman, as he is in the film was my least favourite. I didn't really have any flaws for him but I think it's just the choice of design for him being so different from his comic book counterpart that puts me off. But as a Drawson style illustration, he does look pretty awesome with his triangular head. I don't know whether or not I would stick to this design or change him for the comic book version, we'll see how it goes.

Batman was the simplest of the lot, I think we can all see that. He's got a rectangular head and a mask just slightly wider. From the front he looks a bit like the Lego Batman actually, but that wasn't intentional.

Wonder Woman's design is probably the most interesting. People may wonder what I'm doing with her head shape, it's a diamond. I was looking at the pictures, same as I did for everyone else and diamond just came to mind. I tried it out and I really liked it. I think too many of my female character designs are round headed and so giving someone corners on their head makes a nice change, the never before used shape is just a bonus! I should like to see how her head appears from different angles, it's a window of curiosity.

Who's your favourite of these designs and who did you like best in the film if you watched it? If you've been drawing characters in your style I'm interested to see how you've done it!

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