Saturday 10 November 2018

Pretzels and Newspapers

Okay, this is an older piece and was created within a week after Kasey's prompt video came out. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Kasey Golden did a prompt video in June and her prompts were 'Pretzel' and 'Newspaper'. I had at the time come to the conclusion that I should do as Kasey challenges at the end of each of her prompt videos and make my own interpretation on the prompts. If you follow me on Facebook, you'll have seen this when it was done but for those who haven't, here my Pretzels and Newspapers piece.

So I was not quite sure what I was to do with this, I felt it would be a bit bland of me to illustrate something eating a Pretzel while reading a newspaper, or to have Pretzels on a newspaper. I did a little research and discovered that Rollercoasters can form a Pretzel, as it is named, and so decided to illustrate someone reading a newspaper while riding this roller coaster. The concept was solid, though I fell my exception was under par this time.

I'll give myself some slack given I've never drawn Rollercoasters and track, neither have I tried one point perspective of this kind, it was meant to have the fish eye effect but I don't think that worked, making some parts look weird. What's worse is that the line art for the tracks is perhaps some of the wobbliest line art I have done since I started this blog, the supports bent a bit too far which further ruined the perspective and I even forgot to illustrate one of the supports!

There was a saving grace for that last mistake however, as I snuck in Agrius Moth seilding a blowtorch, we'll put it down to sabotage! I'm sure things will work out for our passengers and that no harm will come to them though. On board this Rollercoasters are the newspaper reader, Droey Drawson, Anne Natalie and Kasey Golden herself! I thought it would be cool to put her in the rollercoaster as a cameo of sorts, given that this was the prompt that she first conquered. I would have thought twice about this had I known I was going to resort of Agrius sabotaging the rollercoaster to save myself from ruining the illustration!

Overall, despite it's flaws, I enjoyed working on this piece and it was good to excersise the prompt generated artwork again, I haven't done it in so long! Did you do this prompt when it came out? I hope your work made it's way on to Kasey's end card! If it didn't, then you can at least say you got the experience.

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