Saturday 17 November 2018

Ladybug and Chat Noir - Drawson Style

For a couple of years now I've followed the adventures of Marinette and Adrian as they save Paris from the wrath of Hawkmoth. As far as superhero content goes, I tend to stick to the DC universe (sorry Marvel fans) but this show does it for me. Early on in my Droeys Draws days I attempted a Drawson styled Ladybug but it was never finished. Today I complete the task by drawing the charming duo together at last!

I apologize for the blurry photo, I don't know what was going on with my camera!

When I originally attempted Ladybug, I got as far as a proposed design and picking colours for her costume and hair. Those same colours are used today, but I didn't turn to the original material for anything else, building a new design solely with reference pictures of Marinette. The spots are organised as seen on her official costume, although this comes off a bit 'spotty' in certain areas. I actually forgot half the spots on Marinette's right arm.

For Chat Noir, this would be the first time bar a head shot in which I illustrated him.  The only thing I dislike about his design is that it should be taller. I thought I had managed to accommodate enough space for him but I was still too short. But height aside, the details seem solid enough, it was hard to find references for the Chat Noir costume. The eyes take after Silverside the cat, a Droeys Draws character if you don't know who she is; you can find her in my Inktober series.

This was fun to put together, these two have been long overdue on my to do list. If you haven't discovered Miraculous Ladybug but want superheroes that the family can enjoy, I'd highly recommend this show. Have you been making any fan art lately? Let's see what franchises you support!

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