Wednesday 4 December 2019

Michow Being 'Moory'

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, so here's the first of this month's Christmassy artworks! One thing we associate with Christmas in the modern day is Michael Buble, so it's only fitting to start with an illustration of Michow Mooble!

I've given him a change of clothes for the winter season. Normally he's be wearing a lot of blue but for Christmas he's brought out his green and reds! Michow Mooble loves Christmas as his favourite time of year and definitley enjoys going around to sing carols.

I did this illustration in Tombow markers with some coloured pencil. This combination helped to make a vibrant illustration. It's a simple piece but beautifully done and given that's its not obviously Christmassy, it makes for a nice first piece. But the rest of this collection is intended to be much more merry than usual!

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